Catching Exceptions

   // Code which throws exceptions
} catch (final IOException e)
   // Exception handling


   // Code which throws exceptions
} catch (final IOException e)
   // Exception handling
} finally {
   // Always runs

Try With Resources

To make sure the resources are always closed or finalized there is the try-with-resources variant, since Java 7:

final Path path;
OutputStream output;

path = Paths.get(file.getPath());

// Initialize output stream

try (final InputStream istream = new FileInputStream(file))
   IOUtils.copy(istream, output);
} catch (final IOException e)
   // Exception handling

The istream will be closed no matter what happens, without explicit code. All this requires is that the resources implement the AutoCloseable interface.

Chaining Exceptions

It is possible to answer an exception with another:

   // Code which can thow an exception
} catch (final IOException e)
   throw new RuntimeException(e);

In this case a checked exception is transformed into a runtime exception. These are chained exceptions, and Throwable offers methods to travel through the chain or exceptions.

More Information

Last updated