
The report plugins will generate several reports along the site. Check the plugin documentation to find about each of them, but most of them will generate a HTML file which can be linked by the site.

Usually these HTML files are processed by the Maven skin being used. But some reports will ignore that completely.

Remember that some of these reports may need additional information, for example the coverage data generated during the testing phase.

  • Changes, generates the changes report from the changes log.

  • Checkstyle, checks that the source files comply with style standards.

  • Dependency, generates the dependencies analysis report.

  • FindBugs, checks for patterns which are prone to errors.

  • JaCoCo, generates coverage reports from Surefire and Failsafe.

  • JDepend, generates the dependencies report.

  • Javadoc, generates the Javadocs.

  • JXR, generates references to the source files, used by other reports.

  • OWASP Dependency Check, searches for dependencies with known vulnerabilities.

  • PMD, checks that the code complies with a series of code quality rules.

  • Project Info, generates general information reports.

  • Site, generates the Maven Site.

  • Surefire Report, generates the unit tests report.

  • Taglist, generates a report of all the temporal tags still on the code.

These will be generated along the Maven Site.

The OWASP Dependency Check is very slow, so it is not recommended generating it with each build.

Check the archetypes to find out how to set them up.

Last updated