Criteria API

In a similar way to JPQL, Criteria API gives tools for querying the persistence graph, but in this case by using objects instead of a DSL.

These queries are harder to read, but easier to modify dynamically.

Creating a Query

This JPQL query:

SELECT entity FROM SimpleEntity entity WHERE = :id

Is equivalent to this:

final CriteriaBuilder builder;                  // Builder
final CriteriaQuery<DefaultSimpleEntity> query; // Query
final Root<DefaultSimpleEntity> entity;         // Root entity

// Prepares the criteria API query
builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
query = builder.createQuery(DefaultSimpleEntity.class);
entity = query.from(DefaultSimpleEntity.class);

// Generates a select query;

// Queries the entities with the specified id
query.where(builder.equal(entity.get(, id));

// Returns the entity


The DefaultSimpleEntity_ is a class containing only metadata to be used by JPA, so when this constant is used:

It is making a reference to this metamodel field:

public static volatile SingularAttribute<DefaultSimpleEntity, Integer> id;

Which describes this entity field:

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "id", nullable = false, unique = true)
private Integer           id               = null;

The metamodel can be generated automatically from a persistence entity with the help of a project management tool. This way any change to the entity is always mirrored by the metamodel.

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