Custom Repositories

Repositores can be extended with custom code. This requires the following classes:

  • Spring repository interface

  • Custom repository interface

  • Custom repository implementation


Repository Interface

public interface EntityCustomRepository  {

   public Iterable<Entity> findByCustomQuery();


Custom Repository Interface

public interface EntityRepository extends JpaRepository<Entity, EntityKey> extends EntityCustomRepository {


Custom Repository Implementation

public class EntityCustomRepositoryImpl implements EntityCustomRepository   {

   public final Iterable<Entity> findByCustomQuery() {
      // Implementation



Now calling the findByCustomQuery method in the repository will call the method in theDefautlEntityCustomRepository implementation. Spring will mix this code with the repository it generates.

public final class EntityService {

   private EntityRepository repository;

   public final Iterable<Entity> getByCustomQuery(){
      return repository.findByCustomQuery();


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