Resource Bundle

Resource bundles contain a map with internationalized values, each identified by a text key.

A bundle will contain objects which change from one location to another, such as Strings or Images.

Messages in a File

Bundles are usually loaded from properties files. The following example will load a file.

Locale locale;
ResourceBundle messages;

locale = new Locale("fr", "CA", "UNIX");
messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessagesBundle", locale);

This will contain the default messages, and additional languages can be added by extending the file name. To add a German bundle add a file, and for a French one use

The correct file will be loaded by checking the received locale, and falling back to the default file.

Messages in a Class

Instead of using a file the messages may be stored inside a class.

public class StatsBundle_fr_CA extends ListResourceBundle {

   private Object[][] contents = {
      { "message", "Translated message" }

   public Object[][] getContents() {
      return contents;


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